Knowing which beer bong to buy for the new year that you can use the whole year without breaking or having any problems (Just wash and reuse). These bad boys are essential for any parties, beach events, bachelor parties, bachelorette parties and tailgating events. Majority of these beer bongs are manufactured and imported from China and are made from cheap plastic material which can be harmful to your health. Only two companies make their beer bong in the USA. We have tested and retested and these beer bongs so you can enjoy your party without getting wet or having a broken beer bong funnel. So here are the best beer bongs out there – sure you could use any old funnel and tube like the old days – but who knows where that’s been?
You can pick your funnel color (College colors, Halloween, Tailgating or any party), tubing size or even with or without valve.
You can get these beer bongs (beer funnel) on Amazon – Get them fast and know that you’ll get on time.